Tuesday 12 October 2010

Night Of The Demons

Angela is having a party...again. Where you there the first three times that demons were unleashed on unsuspecting teens on Halloween night? If so you might be interested to know that Adam (AUTOPSY) Giersch is returning to the popular franchise to resurrect the Demon House once more.

As a remake of one of the more obscure horror titles of the 80s your knowledge of the genre is really put to the test as to how much you know about the original three movies. As video shelf horror and late night cable filler the original trio has gathered a cult following and it mostly to this following that the reworking of NIGHT OF THE DEMONS will appeal most. It is not a film out to set the world to rights but instead is interested in painting the screen red and partying like this will be the last Halloween ever.

Character and plot begone. Exposed midriffs, punk rock and vaginal secretions are the order of the day. And while it sure looks pretty this reviewer would have liked to have seen the pus and ooze go further, the FEAST trilogy has already set the standard for squirting grue, and some of the kills could push the boundaries a bit more. The movie works best when it's having fun such as Shannon Elizabeth as the gothic temptress Angela slow dance seducing another female to the strains of Type O Negative and the Drac FX team turn in a interesting catalogue of demons.

Hampered by silly exposition but saved by not taking itself seriously NIGHT OF THE DEMONS is a reminder of when horror can be fun when played like an over the top Halloween funhouse.


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