Monday 8 November 2010

The Human Centipede (First Sequence)

The reputation of this movie proceeds it and the title to a certain extent serves as a spoiler. The movies central conceit that of people being sewn together to create the titular creature, is more or the less the only plot point in Tom Six horror feature.

Paving a new medical themed avenue into the much malingered torture porn sub-genre tag two female American tourists get lost in the woods in Germany at night after their rental car breaks down and they have lost their mobile signal. This cliched introduction leads the two girls to the house of a psychotic crackpot doctor who for reasons unknown sews the girls ass to mouth behind a third, a male Japanese tourist,

It's all very convenient that the doctor was ready to begin his experiments when the two girls stumble into his clutches. And it is this well trodden and obvious story that robs HUMAN CENTIPEDE from total originality. The actual events that follow are more original and surprisingly less disturbing than you would think, at least for the jaded horror viewer, and the movie is relatively bloodless and less exploitative than expected but in the end it feels like director Tom Six, with his cold clinical observational directing style, is testing the waters before he really unleashes the full scale of his body horror with HUMAN CENTIPEDE: FINAL SEQUENCE. A poor start does lead to an enjoyable disturbed tale that is likely a little more notorious that it really deserves to be.


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