I've heard many opinions that Australia's PRIMAL is brutal and brilliant but I'm here to reveal that it is in fact utter balls. It doles out horror cliches and baffling character motives like it's amateur hour seemingly only the cinematographer had a clue what he was doing because the writing, direction, editing and effects are just crap. And even at that he/she is only getting credit for not making this look like it was a shot on video number which most of the rest of the production seems to suggest. There's one sequence, a few minutes in a runtime of under 90, that has some horror quality that when the lead squealing female is trapped in the truck and the muscular lead, now eviled up, stalks aound it. It's nothing spectacular but does highlight that PRIMAL could have been a tense, dark THE DESCENT style horror flick instead of the crazy and outright sloppy derivative drivel on offer. I hoped for THE RUINS not a ruin.
This film had left me with such a hard off that I think it's disappeared into an innie!
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