DEVIL proposes to be the first in M. Night (THE SIXTH SENSE) Shylaman's Night Chronicles where the now maligned director will put his story concept in the hands of another writer and director and take more of a producing role. DEVIL brings HARD CANDY and 30 DAYS OF NIGHT scribe Brian Nelson together with QUARANTINE helmet John Erick Dowdle.
When five strangers enter a skyscraper elevator their trip soon turns to terror as the break down between floors and slowly begin to get on each others nerves. As security, an engineer and eventually police work to get them out the danger of the situation increases as one by one they are killed off. Whether this is a complicated murder plot or supernatural forces at work circumstances have conspired to bring the players in this deadly game together which will reveal the real devil inside every human being.
DEVIL fairs better for having Dowdle as director but never pushes over any boundaries making it a safe commercial horror film for those who cannot predict a jump scare or have no stomach for the red stuff. Apart from a few grisly murder aftermaths DEVIL may have found itself with a PG-13 rating, or its equivalent, and the film lacks any real suspense. Dowdle draws on his experience with the limitations of the POV remake QUARANTINE to keep the elevator scenes dynamic but lack of any real creepiness in the plot undermines this talent leaving us with a passable pot-boiler supernatural tale. All gloss and no real guts yet this first entry of The Night Chronicles is far superior to anything that M. Night has been putting his name to in the last few years.
A floppy cock for this one.
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